Conversation Between GiantMonkeyMan and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    Yeah. It's one of the most abused works ever. It gets twisted into social Democrat, with actual leninists being derided for being, well, communists.
    One thing that complements it well is a pamphlet by the italian left, called Condemnations of the Renegades to Come
  2. GiantMonkeyMan
    It's interesting that you consider it an anti-trot pamphlet because the CWI, when I was in their orbit and considering joining, recommended it to me. At the time I was trying to delve into Paul Mattick, amongst others, and I think it convinced me that being some sort of 'purist' communist doesn't necessarily mean you'll achieve anything. As I said, I'll have to reread it at some point as I'm certain my perspective has changed.
  3. Remus Bleys
    yeah. I think that for some of the stuff lenin was tactically wrong (i think hes right on the union question, but his reasoning is pretty bad - that section was where the quote was) but that he was theoretically correct. The pamphlet describes the principles and program of Communism as historically experienced, which needed to be studied and upheld, and in this sense, its actually more of an anti-stalinist and anti-trotskyist pamphlet then anything
  4. GiantMonkeyMan
    guess I'll have to reread it because that's an interesting quote and I don't remember it... cheers
  5. Remus Bleys
    Infantile Disorder
  6. GiantMonkeyMan
    what's the quote in your sig from?
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