Conversation Between Future and The Feral Underclass

  1. Future
    Okay, thank you.
  2. That's okay You only need to include the digits after the '=' sign in the video URL.
  3. Future
    Hey there, you're my resident question answerer until I learn all the ropes on this site if you don't mind. How do I embed Youtube videos in a thread? I tried the tags, but they don't seem to work.
  4. Future
    Actually, nevermind. I figured it out.
  5. Future
    How do I get my "tendency" to show up when I post in the threads? I've noticed that several members have that option, but I don't. I assume I must reach a certain post count?
  6. It's absolutely not your fault. It is mostly the fact that Link does nothing to confound expectations as a 15 year old boy.
  7. Future
    I apologize for getting your thread so off-topic. Hopefully my most recent post will end that mess. Anyway, thank you for defending what I was getting at.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7