Conversation Between Dunk and 727Goon

  1. Yeah she is but it's a shitty relationship I would leave if I could support myself and my daughter. Marrying her would make the whole thing that much worse and I think I might wait it out. This whole thing might just be an emotional reaction to getting fired but I dont think I'd get PTSD I mean I've seen people die and shit and been in sketchy situations. I don't know trying to find a new job or joining the army would both suck, I guess at least I could have access to good medical care and benefits if I was in the Army.
  2. Dunk
    Is your girlfriend your daughter's mother? If she is, and if you're really going to enlist, you two need to get married, otherwise you have to get used to the idea that you won't be around to raise your daughter at all, and will just be sending checks or wiring money monthly. If you do get married to your daughter's mother, you'll be with them when you're not on deployment. I don't think you should do it. I'm friends with a lot of guys on the inside, lots of them had failed marriages and kids they only send child support payments to. It fucks them up just as bad as all the other shit everyone else has to deal with. Like being in totally pointless, boring situations for 14 hour work days, or the time on deployment marked by being in a constant state of hypervigilance because the possibility of violence or death is present. You can't know if you won't get PTSD, but I can tell you that enlistment is going to profoundly change the person you are.
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