Conversation Between Workers-Control-Over-Prod and Ismail

  1. Ismail
    Volume VI of his Selected Works has a thing of his from the early 80's on turning cooperatives into state-farms.

    There was nothing "deviationist" about Stalin's policies. As for the Albanian approach, the Communists formed a National Liberation Front during the war open to all those who were willing to resist the occupiers. Unlike the rest of Eastern Europe, no postwar coalition government resulted from this, nor were any other parties in existence within the Front.

    Peasants were allowed into the Party of Labour, as in the CPSU.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Could you kindly direct me to some of Hoxha's writings on Albanian agricultural organization and development?
    Also, I noticed you said that the Albanians did not enter into Stalin's deviationist 'United Front' policy. How did the Albanian Party of Labor operate in terms of membership, were peasants allowed into the party?
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hoxha hoxha hoxha hoxha!
  4. Ismail
    I have not heard of it.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Since I now live in the United States, I saw a program on Television called "Untold History of the US" by Oliver Stone. Have you heard about it? It's quite interesting and notable for its sympathetic account of Stalin (quite bold given the complete anti-Stalin/ anti-communism hegemony) and the politics of the USSR contrary to the US' politics in the 20th century.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    What do you think about the "transnational question", of United States of Europe of sorts?
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "Class struggle still exists in the period of socialism, yes. Classes exist too, but not antagonistic ones." This is a stupid position, classes inherently have contradictory interests which make them antagonistic.
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    ...So within the next twenty years this system will with near definitivity not exist anymore. The question is then centrally whether it will be replaced by a planned economy for the ruling class, fascism, or a planned economy for workers, communism.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    The theory of the Falling Rate of Profit and the Low Rate of Profit now of below 2% in the Production process posing a historical barrier to capital is in my opinion undeniable if one accepts the Labor Theory of Value; but the problem of resource depletion and climate change is one of absolutely genuine natural boundaries to capital.
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Aha! So with industrialisation(!) you does not mean industrialised economy. This is why you probably mentioned earlier that Albania still had private property in the agricultural sector. Aha Comrade, i have understood now, it is all a lot clearer! Centralized plan in the industrialised parts of the economy you were meaning. Yes, i always find myself having to remind people that Socialism = Socialisation/"Centralisation" to eventually reach a co-operative communist world.
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