Conversation Between Anglo-Saxon Philistine and Sperm-Doll Setsuna

  1. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Heterophobia, lol. The joys I've missed.
  2. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Surely you actually mean, HOMOSEXUAL PROPAGANDA!(with as many exclamation marks as necessary to get the point into port).
  3. Nipplez.
  4. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    Such was my memory, and I concur as regards the latter.
  5. I am, currently - I called myself "gay" in a recent post as a shorthand of saying "non-heterosexual", and because endless "gay" - "bisexual" - "pansexual" - "biphobia" - etc. - etc. debates give me heartburn.
  6. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    I thought you were in a relationship with a woman!
  7. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
  8. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    I have a collection of Nozomu yaoi.
  9. Sperm-Doll Setsuna
    I could never stand the pressure of academic circle-jerkery like that! But at least you're into somewhat respectable a pursuit. DOWN WITH SKEWL!
  10. Ah, that... I was having one of my usual "I'm so behind on my thesis I am fucked and doomed" moments, and then I found out my partner is ill so I freaked out. Now, though, I'm just about finished with my calculations, and my partner is feeling better, so I guess the probability of me going crazy and getting banned is substantially lessened!

    And thank you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21