Conversation Between wsg1991 and l'Enfermé

  1. wsg1991
    hi , i am restricted too now , for some reason they don't tell you why
  2. wsg1991
    ok thanks
  3. Fuck me if I knew, some people seem to be upset at me because I'm anti-Anarchy/ism so I was restricted for supporting Russian Imperialism, even though I'm a Chechen and survivor of 2 wars started by Russian imperialists and spent almost a decade in various refugees camps in 2 different fucking continents, I'd decapitate Putin with my hands and beat his corpse with his own severed head if I ever had the chance, I don't care I'd be tortured to death after it.

    I basically said that I don't hate Assad as much as I hate the armed gangs opposing him. They all should be killed if you ask me, though the Assad regime is a few degrees better. Btw, what are you tendency-wise?
  4. wsg1991
    that's one Epic quote for Trotsky , why are you restricted ?
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