Conversation Between wsg1991 and seventeethdecember2016

  1. They called you a Market Socialist for this post.

    Is that actually true?
  2. Thanks for the information. I didn't know that about Marzouki. I hope the Conservatives are deposed as soon as possible.
  3. wsg1991
    Marzouki is called here clown ( Tartour ) a leader without any real authority , and even so he has 20 advisers , so you can tell he is wasting public money .
    the ex secular human rights activist , is now allying himself with religious conservatives (nahdha ) , and became anti secular values .

    the only non-arab analysis i know on why the revolution started here is for Noam chomsky , mentioning we have the strongest labor movements in the Arab world .
    in fact since 1946 , there is a practicality a single workers union ( UGTT ) although it's suffers from sever bureaucratic corruption( specially the central ones ) he did a major part in the revolution , as lower Bureaucrats and members did organize the biggest protest in 13 janvier 2011 in Sfax ,

    natives politicians point out we have higher education level than all other arabs , good internet access , we already stacked years of previous protests , the neutrality of the army that refused who simply protected key building
  4. I visited Tunisia roughly five years ago. I got the impression that it was pretty well off, so why did it cause all that political upheaval abruptly? I've read about Mohamed Bouazizi, but why did it become so big?
    Honestly, Tunisia is the last country, from the Middle East and North Africa, that I'd expect to be the catalyst of such a movement.

    I watched a video of your president saying he denied to go to the US when they offered to teach him how to run a Democratic country, stating that the US wasn't Democratic and was just as Authoritarian as Ben Ali's regime.
    I can tell Marzouki will be an interesting leader.
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