Conversation Between Tommy4ever and electro_fan

  1. Tommy4ever
    On revleft?

    Some groups of posters can be truly mind numbing at times.
  2. electro_fan
    ah its a reasonable assumption to make tbh ... lol, it's so tiresome talking to some of these people
  3. Tommy4ever
    Haha, revleft is a bit of a sausagefest so I just assumed. I live in the barbarian north (Scotland) btw.
  4. electro_fan
    lol am a gal (not saying u dont kno that but just in case !) lol yer, Im in the south east what bout you mate
  5. Tommy4ever
    Thanks man, are you in the UK btw? I didn't see a location but you seem to be in most of the threads on the English riots.
  6. electro_fan
    No problem hope you're doing well x
  7. Tommy4ever
    Good posts get the rep.

    And thanks for thanking some of my posts too.
  8. electro_fan
    thanks for the rep
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8