Conversation Between Brosip Tito and Stalin Ate My Homework

  1. Why, thank you!
  2. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Welcome to the Roosterist clique!!!
  3. Stalin Ate My Homework
    No I wasn't looking for any particular quote, just wanted to clear up my misconceptions about the Engels quote and his stance on Bourgeois democracy. Again, thanks for your help!
  4. Are you looking for a parliamentary oppositionist quote from Engels?

    i.e. a quote supporting the idea that the revolutionary party should participate in parliament only in an oppositionist sense, to advance the views of the proletariat, and to agitate against the ruling class, refusing to take power in any other way than revolution?
  5. A couple of good reads, which could illustrate her position better than I can:

    Leninism or Marxism?
    The Russian Revolution
    The Mass Strike
    Mass Action

    All found here:
  6. Although Luxemburg was a proponent of spontaneity, she did emphasize the necessity for organization as well. The vanguard in Luxemburg's eyes was not a leading minority of elites, as Lenin had theorized.

    If I were to continue from that quote I gave you, in Luxemburg's "The Russian Revolution", she states:

    "But this dictatorship must be the work of the class and not of a little leading minority in the name of the class -- that is, it must proceed step by step out of the active participation of the masses; it must be under their direct influence, subjected to the control of complete public activity; it must arise out of the growing political training of the masses".
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  7. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Thanks for the Luxemburg quote. Her talk of the Socialist party seizing power is pretty vanguardist dare I say. The Luxemburg quote about participating in Bourgeois Parliaments as purely opposition is what I initially thought Engels was advocating in his quote about the Democratic republic.
  8. I'll look into the thread.

    And you're certainly welcome!
  9. A good quote, in relation to this is:

    "Socialist democracy begins simultaneously with the beginnings of the destruction of class rule and of the construction of socialism. It begins at the very moment of the seizure of power by the socialist party. It is the same thing as the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    Yes, dictatorship! But this dictatorship consists in the manner of applying democracy, not in its elimination, but in energetic, resolute attacks upon the well-entrenched rights and economic relationships of bourgeois society, without which a socialist transformation cannot be accomplished." - Rosa Luxemburg
  10. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Thanks for your help
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