Conversation Between The Ben G and Nolan

  1. Happy birthday fro boy.
  2. Mmmmk buddy.
  3. The Ben G
    Stop being an idiot and trying to resurrect arguments that have been utterly defeated, beheaded and castrated by MLs on this very forum.

    I lol'd so hard.
  4. The Ben G
    Revisionist!11!1!! Everyone knows that Trotsky used Lemons to turn invisible to hide from Stalin!
  5. The Ben G
    Ha ha! Our Anti Stalinist group is owning your anti Trotskyist group!
  6. The Ben G
    Dammit! You Rick Roll'd me!
  7. Why, Adolf Hitler of course.
  8. The Ben G
    Who is your avatar?
  9. The Ben G
    Your post with the guy in the straight jacket in the 'Cuban Counter Revolution' thread made my day.
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