Conversation Between JAM and seventeethdecember2016

  1. I found this thread which partially delves into it.
  2. JAM
    You have here the wikipedia article about the referendum:,_1991
  3. JAM
    Hello Havee3333333,

    tell me something. The Soviet Union referendum of 1991 was already approached here in the forum?
  4. Very good, I will support these posts when you write them.
  5. JAM
    Thank you Havee3333333 for the quote. I was going to answer the trotskysts but the moderator closed the thread when i was just about to expose the hypocrisy of Trotsky on the bureaucratic issue.

    I also know that an albanian trotskyst group joined a pro-Mussolini faction during the war, french trotskists collaborated with the Nazi forces in France and I have a clear quote from a proeminent american trotskyst advocating the defeat of the USSR. I'll wait for a new opportunity to expose all of this.
  6. Here is a quote on Trotsky's support of Nazis that I borrowed from Ismail.

    "Hitler's soldiers are German workers and peasants. . . . The armies of occupation must live side by side with the conquered peoples; they must observe the impoverishment and despair of the toiling masses; they must observe the latter's attempts at resistance and protest, at first muffled and then more and more open and bold. . . . The German soldiers, that is, the workers and peasants, will in the majority of cases have far more sympathy for the vanquished peoples than for their own ruling caste. The necessity to act at every step in the capacity of 'pacifiers' and oppressors will swiftly disintegrate the armies of occupation, infecting them with a revolutionary spirit." --1940
    Leon Trotsky
  7. Don't take Trotskyists seriously. They often over-speculate on very specific events, and they pass it off as evidence. They try to say that Lenin held a good opinion on Trotsky, but, in reality, he was very critical of his extreme disregard for stagism and his Imperialistic ideas.
    Daft Punk was famous for this tactic.

    Lenin's Testament is an interesting topic, but Lenin wrote it after Stalin insulted his wife while refusing to apologize. This is why the testament calls him 'rude.'
  8. Did you get my private message?
  9. JAM
    We were talking about Yezhov role in the purges of 1937-38. But I think that it's better discuss this on some appropriate thread.
  10. Sure, what specifically do you want to talk about?
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