Conversation Between BurnTheOliveTree and Holden Caulfield

  1. happy birthday
  2. everywhere south of Hull is france,

    yeah ill give ya me number closer to the time,
  3. BurnTheOliveTree
    You're missing out I promise ya.

    France? Not sure what you're on about there?

    Yeah if I get down to it we'll have to meet up or something.
  4. i dont do drugs apart from the best one (4.20), ive never been to France is where you live nice?
    i plan to go yeah, aint been before so i thought i might as well give it a gander
  5. BurnTheOliveTree
    There's just better shit out there, seriously. haha. I'm in Hastings, East Sussex. I'll get down to Socialism 08 if I can summon up the funds, I can barely afford to piss at the moment. But it would be nice, last year it was alright, although I prefer the meetings and discussions to the big rallies, I found them really silly for some reason, don't know why. You going to go?
  6. these days?! your old enuf to drink you cant be done with it yet,

    where do ya live?(PM me it if ya want)

    you gonna go to socialism 08?
  7. BurnTheOliveTree
    Yes indeed. Shame you're up north, we could meet and cause general mayhem, being nearly the same age and all - I'd have to convert you from your state preference of cheap alcohol to some more illicit intoxicants though I'm afraid. Can't be doing with booze these days.

    I will add you up on MSN.
  8. i love you too, seriously, socialist party i see you are in... the english one?

    you can add my msn if ya want
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8