Conversation Between JimmyJazz and Holden Caulfield

  1. cheers fo the rep
  2. JimmyJazz
  3. haha cant even remember saying that
  4. JimmyJazz
    OK I just ran across this old post of yours: "does your girlfriend approve of being called fat over the internet to prove a point?"

    man do I wish I could rep in closed threads lol
  5. JimmyJazz
    ha, the text-->image of that smiley didn't work too well, but it was supposed to be surprise.
  6. JimmyJazz

    You haven't heard of Howard Zinn??

    He's a lefty legend in the U.S. for his book A People's History of the U.S. Right-wing retards have written counter-books like A Patriot's History of the U.S. (lol). He's not really a Marxist but he flirts with it, and he seems to like anarchism a whole lot. A bit like Chomsky (but much better imo).
  7. i was gonna say, i read it back to myself and was highly confused,
    Zinn is well good tho, hadnt come across him til then,

    is he some sort of soft lefty, or maoist or summit?
  8. JimmyJazz
    Nah, I was just commenting on the topic via a few cherry-picked quotes. Not on the article as a whole. I did read it though.
  9. hold on... i dont understand what you are even criticising about the essay, did you read it all coz im sure I adress the shitness of Cohen in the next paragraph,

    its been a long time since i read them,,,,
  10. Im a radical and violent person, my views would endanger society,

    The articles thing is useful for sending files to your mates who have different versions of word, thats pretty much it haha
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