Conversation Between Jacobinist and BeerShaman

  1. BeerShaman
    p.s. What I love here, is that many people say, NO MORE POLITICAL PARTIES! They are all the same.
  2. BeerShaman
    However, it is hell here sometimes. Too many kills, enprisonments etc... riots... That's good. I am optimistic about it. (meaning that it will lead to a rev.) Let's see... Surely there will be standard and strong advances until 2040. What about the U.S?
  3. BeerShaman
    However people do not trust us anarchists too much. They seem to prefer the leftists (however noone shares real trust or fellowship by the people right now). The people is disappointed by almost everyone, but yet won't forget their middle class prejudicies. I believe (and it's too obvious) that governments along with capitalism will screw us for good, it will take place all over Europe and then let's hope and act for an antiauthoritarian revolution.
  4. BeerShaman
    I wish we left the EU. But not. I do not think so. I believe Greece will be the utmost slave of the capitalists during this "crisis", just because governments do nothing but exploit and borrow money. And because we will go bankrupt, thus being left totally weak in economics. A state ready to die. All I hope for is that it dies the good way (revolution).
  5. No probelm comrade. How are things in Greece?

    Will you stay in EU or leave?
  6. BeerShaman
    Thanks a lot brother...
  7. The tea parties are nothing but Americana mythology. The original tea parties were protests against British rule back before the US attained independence. In these protests, they threw British East Co tea in the Boston Harbor as a protest against a tax that I cant seem to remember (there were many). Thats where they got their name, the tea parties.

    The current tea parties however, are a right-wing reaction against what they consider an 'invalid' president who's bent on transforming the USA into the USSR. Its inflammed into existence by the corporate media and other capitalists who fund their shenanigans. Its really absurd, but I take it to be more of a US movement.
  8. BeerShaman
    Sorry for the intrusion there comrade... What the heck is a tea party? Why is it bad? I thought tea parties were just parties with tea... Don't know I am greek and there no such thing here...
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