Conversation Between Vladimir Innit Lenin and Ostrinski

  1. For the first two years you have to do your basic mandatory courses (mathematics, history, humanities, etc), basically just like two more years of high school but in a college environment, then after that you get to start studying what you want.

    So I'm not technically a history student yet, but I've decided that's what I want to do. How close are you to becoming a teacher?
  2. Cool. Studying History? Or is it different in the US? Do you do a few subjects in your first year?
  3. I start in a couple weeks.
  4. Are you at University at the moment?
  5. Brospierre. I'm also considering teaching, but I want to become a historian as well.
  6. That's right. Sorry, what was your old username mate?
  7. Studying to become a teacher, comrade?
  8. Saw your post on DNZs wal about becoming disillusioned with left communism and wanting to move towards orthodox Marxism. Talk to me comrade!

    You do realise that many left-communists and Luxemburgists see themselves as upholding the true traditions of Marx and Engels' writings, thus seeing themselves as pretty much classical marxists.

    What is it that interests you in the ideas of people like Kautsky and DNZ??
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