Conversation Between La Guaneña and KurtFF8

  1. KurtFF8
    I know one of the most obvious problems with it has been in the tourism industry: where you have folks doing more basic service work getting paid salaries/wages that compete with doctors (this is a common criticism by anti-Communists as well, and from what I understand they are actually right). This of course opens the door for more inequality in Cuba which has been so tempered by the revolution. Only time will tell what direction they go of course, and there are organizations like the CTC (the union group) and various others that have been involved since the beginning and have made important changes to the plan from the stat and continue to give input (which of course contradicts those claims of Cuba as a "capitalist dictatorship" IMO)

    As for resources, I don't usually try to promote my group's literature but I think the PSL has a very good write up on it that I recommend:
  2. KurtFF8
    Well I'm no expert on them, but they certainly do contain the possibility for an unfortunate path for Cuba. Of course so far they have yet to weaken the socialist project of Cuba's system and have not gone near the Chinese model. I would imagine there are elements of the Cuban Party that would like to see Cuba go down that road, but those elements are not the leadership at the moment fortunately.
  3. La Guaneña
    Hello comrade,

    I would like to know how you view the recent reforms going on in Cuba. I got really worried about them after talking to someone from the Brazilian Communist Party who is finishing med school in the ELAM, as he told me that these reforms go far beyond cooperatives in some points, stimulating petit-bourgeois mindsets, and that many private businesses are being established. Do you have any documents or texts concerning the reforms?

    Thanks in advance,

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