Conversation Between Nuvem and Kamil

  1. Nuvem
    Thanks. I've been reading the Selected Works of Kim Il Sung (1968-71 edition) for some time now as well as pamphlets by Kim Jong Il until I can get my hands on his full writings- they have to be shipped from Pyongyang and therefore aren't cheap.

    It's been extremely eye-opening and I've developed a very deep love for the DPRK and the Korean people's struggle for reunification, independence and the victory of socialism. I'm at the point where I just lose my shit when people make these broad, sweeping condemnations of the DPRK based on scraps of bourgeois press that are mostly lies or exaggerations without any meaningful study or research. There's no goddamn intellectual integrity among the so-called "left".
  2. Kamil
    i just read a post you made about the DPRK and jizzed in my pants
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