Conversation Between Sinister Cultural Marxist and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    China is the Tibetans? WTF? Yeah sure.... Cool story bro'!
  2. ComradeMan
    No, I am not Hindu but I am interested in Vedic cultures and philosophy.
  3. Sinister Cultural Marxist
    "Namaste! Are you Hindu?"

    You posted this on my profile a while back! Anyways, not really, but I like Hindu philosophy particularly vedanta, and I particularly like the non-dualist theories (which seem very similar to aspects of Christianity/Hegel/Marx/etc.) I also like Buddhist philosophy. But I dont know if I would want to commit myself to either as a faith.

    Are you religious? you seem to have a passing interest in religion, judging by your posts.
  4. ComradeMan
    Namaste! Are you Hindu?
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