Conversation Between Cane Nero and NKVD

  1. "Hey you blindly agree with everything Stalin said?"
    "Um, No. .." BANG
    "Next one, please."
  2. I get a nice feeling when I realize that Stalin would have had reactionaries such as you shot.
  3. If Stalin hadn't stalled for time through the brilliant peace agreement, Poland and the USSR would have been completely invaded by the Nazis.
  4. The Nazis invaded much of the territory of the USSR thanks to the peace agreement that your beloved Stalin did with Hitler, that divided the territory of Poland between them.
  5. I worry about the opposite. I consider what would have happened if I had been the premier instead of Josef Stalin. I would not have been able to do all the purging and stuff that he did. And the Nazis would have ended up invading the USSR.
  6. If you ever get power in your hands, I'm afraid of what you can do in the name of "socialism".
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