Conversation Between Palingenisis and Dimentio

  1. Actually, such things just come naturally.

    In High School, we once had a role-playing game for the Swedish 2002 general elections, and I was assigned to roleplay as the leader of the Moderate party (the conservative party, which at that time was Neoliberal). I roleplayed so well that people thought that I was a moderate.

    In BOP games, I have roleplayed as fascists and islamists, and I always get into the role so much that when I finish a post, I am almost that role.
  2. I found it entertaining and it seemed that a lot of effort went into it.

    Maybe Ive picked up the bad of habit from Bud and ComradeMan of just thanking posts wildly...
  3. Hahaha....

    Why you thank the RPG EU-President Post?
  4. What genocide did Paire Fire excuse?
  5. Read any history book about Ancient Egypt.
  6. hey where did you read about ancient Egypt having a planned economy?
  7. I really wish I had her intelligence though...Anyway I have zero probs with you trashing the tread.
  8. My reason for that is to not give trolls undue attention. That is what she wants. She isn't an inch better than any other troll.
  9. Fair enough trashing the thread...It was sorta silly...but I was honestly curious about it..
  10. Okie dok...I will have a look.
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