Conversation Between Palingenisis and The Grey Blur

  1. The Grey Blur
    *move beyond
  2. The Grey Blur
    i've no time for an attempt at a historical upholding of stalinism, i understand it as a political movement in a certain context and can respect it (in its various trends) in ireland especially around the international brigades, the era of the republican congress etc. i think the left generally has to move the various sectish trends, i've no real problems with the CWI but their inability to understand partition is a stickler for me and as you say their ridiculous description of republicanism and loyalism as two sectarian equivalents.

    anyway yeah, i didn't agree with your restriction, hopefully you get out at some point.
  3. Sorry I refused your friends request because I thought you were CWI....We (Maoists) consider them on the verge of being social-fascist...And also as someone raised Protestant in a mixed marriage with a long history of Republicanism and Socialism on my fathers side I find their labelling as sectarian things both I and my dad (who is a moderate tankie) support incredibly annoying.
  4. The Grey Blur
    i was never in the CWI except for about a year when i was around 16 i was in socialist youth. probably join éirÃÂ*gÃÂ* as they're running candidates up north in the summer and seem to have a good grasp on things re national and social questions and their indivisibility.
  5. Have you left the CWI?
  6. The Grey Blur
    i've enjoyed your posts of late.
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