Conversation Between Andres Marcos and bailey_187

  1. Andres Marcos
    Check out the book A Coming of Age: Albania under Enver Hoxha, Albania and the Albanians by Ramadan Marmalluka and the Constitution of the PSRA 1976
  2. hello

    you said in the Hoxha thread "age differentials in Albania never went over 2:1, workers in the late 70s until Hoxha's death set their OWN quotas(the Party trusted them to be enthusiastic on goals), which were always higher than the one set by their directors, and there were absolutely zero taxes in Albania post 1976. Albania as a matter of fact was probably the most radical socialist state to have existed at that time and more so than the Soviet Union in any part of its history."

    Do you have any more info on this? Any books that will explain this kind of stuff in Albania?

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