Conversation Between Tomhet and Q

  1. Tomhet
    Ended up Playing as Germany, normal difficulty/aggression..
    Quickly took the USSR, annexed all european countries, And launched a mass amphibious assault on mainland U.K.. I think I'm getting this game..
  2. Q
    Remember that any of the big nations has a weakness. UK has a superb navy, USSR can build vast armies, but you need to develop a lot, Germany is super high tech, but low on resources. I'm not sure about the US, but it is relatively far from the battle front I guess.
  3. Tomhet
    Yeah, I recon I'll try an easier country as i'm still a newb, like U.S, Canada, Germany, U.S.S.R and any sort of game where I can play against human opponents..
    thanks bro..
  4. Q
    That's a good question, I never tried myself tbh

    You could try to allie Poland to several other countries early in the game. Taking Czechoslovakia might give some more resources. Try to take on Austria? You might provoke Germany though

    And are you looking for particular online games?
  5. Tomhet
    As Poland, how do I stop either the U.S.S.R or Nazi Germany from ANNIHILATING me???! I can't find many players and TBH leftists make better gamers anyway..
    Also, is there multiplayer online games as well???
  6. Q
    What help?
  7. Tomhet
    Do you know about Hearts of Iron? if so I need some help =O..
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