Conversation Between Bitter Ashes and Rjevan

  1. Rjevan
    Cool, I like it!
    Despite all the grey it looks confident and triumphant to me.
  2. Bitter Ashes
    The original image is from a comic called Dead Winter and is used and modified to be an avatar with permission from the artist
  3. Rjevan
    I know you have your ava for quite some time but I just wondered now: did you create it yourself?
  4. Rjevan
    Congrats and welcome to the Dark Side!
  5. Rjevan
    What a pity, you are always great in role playing! But thanks, I hope I will have!
  6. Bitter Ashes
    hehe. Thanks but no thanks. Things are way too busy right now for me to be doing that too. have fun though
  7. Rjevan
    Hey, I just thought I'd call your attention to this, we can always need some veterans.
  8. Rjevan
    Hm, sounds familiar. I also think I always was a communist inside, I just didn't realise it because of all the slanderous stuff about communism in society and the mainstream media. When I first read the "Communist Manifesto" simply out of curiosity I expected to find arguments for an oppressive totalitarian state, totally concentrated on enslaving people to work at least 25 hours a day without granting them any rights.
    I was almost shocked how much I agree with the things Marx and Engels talk about and how close their ideals came to mine. Their ideas, their views and aims - it was just what I always felt and wanted deep inside without having a name for it and the horror state I had in mind was very well portraid as a free market capitalist society like it was in e.g. Great Britain during the industrial revolution... oops.
  9. Bitter Ashes
    Well, I'm not entirely sure if it's a new tendancy or not. I think I kinda believed it from the get-go, but allowed my predjudices to get in the way of me exploring what it really is. I guess that's why I couldnt find a Marxist tendancy that I fully agreed with.
  10. Rjevan
    Haha, seems like that. But they won't get me! Never!!!
    Anyway, it's said that the difference between being a Marxist and an Anarchist is that Anarchists have more fun (at least the Anarchists say that ;P), so good luck with your new tendency.
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