Conversation Between Viet Minh and El Chuncho

  1. El Chuncho
    Unrestricted yet, Viet Minh? I hope so. I do not agree with you about the Ireland issue, but as many Marxists thought that the whole of the UK should be socialist, I do not see why you should have been restricted at all. Also nice to see that you are pretty much an official Viet Minhist now, he was a great Marxist-Leninist hero and also quite a nice man. Giap was great too and managed to achieve so much (like beat the USA!) after suffering so much (his family being tortured to death, him being tortured and starved in prison).
  2. El Chuncho
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a different opinion on the British Unionism than you do, being more devolutionist, but I know that you cannot change your views over night, and I do not mind ''loyalists'' when they are left-wing (and specifically non hostile to me for my Marxism-Leninism), just as I hate rightist Republicans. And I would happily join a Ho Chi Minhist site because Ho Chi Minh has always been one of my ''heroes''.
  3. Viet Minh
    If I make a Marxist-Minhist site will you join? :P
  4. Viet Minh
    Yeah there was a period I neglected the site totally and a few users uploaded a lot of shit I've not got round to deleting yet. I have the philosophy that I'd prefer the bigots to join and maybe I can have a positive influence, but unfortunately like all my other sites nobody ever joins. I actually thought the republicans would be glad there was a more progressive loyalist out there, I'm not the only one but they seem to think loyalists are all fascists. Its something that pisses me off every day and I try to fight against but its a losing battle, it never used to be the case but it is now that republicans = communist and loyalist = fascist. I really wish I could be an Irish republican scottish nationalist celtic fan, life would be so much easier but its not very easy to change your whole viewpoint overnight Sorry i'm ranting, its something that really gets to me.
  5. El Chuncho
    If you attitude was like the attitude of most things on that sight, I'd say you have made a change. I am glad that you have learnt a lot and enjoyed your time here. I myself have learnt that sectarianism is more extreme than I thought! Still, I hope you do not get banned and that any break from the addiction of Revleft is a non-permanent one of your own choosing. If you do get banned, remember to keep strong in the cause for ''Ho Chin Minhism''. I'll probably make a Viet Minh group here at some point too.
  6. Viet Minh
    Thanks bro
    Yes one mod was kind enough to give me a heads up, I've already requested a name change but I think its more about my views, or what they believe my views to be.
    Hopefully I've demostrated a change of attitude, I certainly feel as though I've learnt a lot here and enjoyed my time. IRL though its no bad thing revleft is a bit too much of an addiction for me just now!
  7. El Chuncho
    Is there anyway you can explain your position to the mods? I mean, you can request a name change, I believe. It will be a big shame if you leave as I pretty much live in the OI section, and you are a good contributor to that ''zone''.
  8. Viet Minh
    Looks like I might be banned, the site in my username is dead but its full of pretty objectionable stuff. I never realised when I registered you can't change your username as you can with some other sites, and tbh I hardly expected to last this long anyway!
    I seriously need to start reading again, tv has been the death of me, not even informative tv but light entertainment crap!
  9. El Chuncho
    Oh, I keep forgetting that you are restricted. It is a shame that many of the friendlier members are. Anyway, 'Apocalypse Now' is a great film, based on a great novel ('Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Konrad, and so is 'Full Metal Jacket'. Aren't we forgetting 'The Green Berets'?
  10. Viet Minh
    I guess its gotta be Apocalypse now, but full metal jacket came a close second. I used to read a lot of the little comics like commando and battle picture library or whatever they were called they had an influence on me too.
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