Conversation Between Viet Minh and Red Future

  1. Viet Minh
    I don't know a lot about Mao tbh, although the little I know gives me great respect for his acheivements. I would like to think if Ho Chi Minh and Mao were still alive Pol Pot would have been 'taken out' a lot sooner, and maybe Sino-Soviet relations could have improved at some point, bringing a very different outcome to the cold war, and to modern China.
  2. Red Future
    Just wondering what do you think of Mao? considering Ho was greatly influenced by Maoist thought in the Vietnam war
  3. Viet Minh
    Nice one! The leftist future lies in the Third World, if we can unite them together in Fair Trade we can starve out the corporate fat fucks. All that paper money won't mean shit when the World is starving
  4. Red Future
    Bugger..don't worry i will send you the resources I post anyway
  5. Viet Minh
    Ah thank you! Yes very much so but I can't join or post as I'm resticted
  6. Red Future
  7. Viet Minh
    Yeah I guess like Cuba it became a sort of pawn in the cold war. It was the longest war in African history I'm told, certainly a huge number of needless deaths. Its seems to be linked in some ways to the wars over diamonds in that part of south western Africa.
  8. Red Future
    Well being an ML and pro Cuban I am inclined to support the MPLA and be in opposition to the FNLA and UNITA both of wihch had US funding and in the third world this usually a bad sign (think Lybia today).The support of the FNLA by China and Romania under the odious Ceasceau is something that I find confusing in the conflict though.but yeah i sort of take the Cuban/MPLA camp really though the whole struggle is really interesting tbh
  9. Viet Minh
    I have sympathy for the people of Angola but I don't know enough about the situation to support one side or the other although I tend towards UNITA as I believe in Democratic Socialism. Initially I read some articles about the human rights abuses of Unita, later one of my friends from Angola who grew up during the civil war told me a little about the history, his version of events were of UNITA being the main force fighting for freedom and then being betrayed by MPLA. I'm a bit concerned by the supprot by South Africa and the US, its something I should probably look into in a little more depth I think! Whats your take on the situation?
  10. Red Future
    Ah ..I see you have an Interest in the anti-imperialist struggles in Angola like me : ) I was wondering if you support UNITA?
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