Conversation Between Void and RED DAVE

  1. Red Dave, please do not act like you are an enemy and do not accuse me of being a troll, you are my comrade...not joking... please stop the fight
  2. And you are a sad little troll. Go back under your bridge.
  3. ...
  4. Stop being a crybaby.
  5. Look at how you are twisting my words:

    I have written:

    "Instinct and such are amongst the primary human weaknesses and failure in macro actions like revolutions and real change. Greed is also one of them."

    You have written:

    "No, greed is not an instinct. It is a socially conditioned response to scarcity and fear."

    Choosing only a part of full text...Where it is clearly understandable that I have not categorized greed under instinct...
  6. You quote me in your reply and due to restriction I cant answer there, you have twisted my sentences...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6