Conversation Between bcbm and Os Cangaceiros

  1. bcbm
    sounds like a good read, i will add it to my list. i am reading "the zanzibar chest" right now which is a sort-of memoir about one guy's family growing up in africa and eventually becoming a journalist there in the 80s and 90s. really interesting, i recommend it
  2. Os Cangaceiros
    another good book i read recently was "Deer Hunting With Jesus". I'd known about it for a while, but only just read it recently, finished it last night in fact. Maybe you've read it/heard about it? It's just some guy who ruminates on the subject of rednecks for an entire book. He's a good writer. He contemplates both the good things about rednecks (they love guns, hate da state and often are loyal to friends and family) and the bad things about rednecks (which most people already know about...but I think primarily the rabid patriotism and allegiance to an abstract America that keeps fucking them economically and sends them to die in pointless wars).

    the author is a populist who is sympathetic to socialism, but he also wrote some very interesting things about gun culture in America, I thought.
  3. bcbm
    yeah i think that's one of my favorite books about that period and about urban guerrilla stuff, precisely because he really takes all the romanticism out of it. its not heroic street battles and whatever, its like... yeah playing pinball, reading 15 newspapers every day, following assholes for weeks... boredom, really.
  4. Os Cangaceiros
    hey, did i ever tell you that I read that book "memoirs of an italian terrorist" fairly recently? I think you were the one who originally rec'd it to me...

    It was pretty good. i liked how the narrator whined all the time about his life, and boredom, and how much his girlfriend irritated him, and then he'd casually mention the fact that he was involved in killing people, presumably somewhere in between playing pinball and soliciting prostitutes.
  5. bcbm
    i wish, i bet they are a shit ton of fun to party with
  6. Os Cangaceiros
    "Especially consider the fact that so many of the degenerates on the left are not from poor backgrounds but are instead hipsters and the like."

    Did you ever meet Sword and Shield?
  7. bcbm
    a song of fire and ice is grim as fuck and more character oriented than fantasy shit usually is, check it out. for non-fiction... "the outlaw sea" is pretty good uh "day of the barbarians," ummm idk i can't remember other nonfiction shit i've read recently lol
  8. Os Cangaceiros
    nothing in particular. I tend to read mostly non-fiction,'s been a while since I've read fantasy. Can't even remember the last one I read...the Sword of Shannara series, perhaps? lol
  9. bcbm
    the "a song of fire and ice" series by george rr martin is what i am currently reading and its awesome. read "the book of the long sun" (4 book series) by gene wolfe which was also good. umm... yeah idk i basically only read fiction right now lol any specific topic you're interested in?

    and fishing sounds sweet i want to go
  10. Os Cangaceiros
    Have you read anything interesting lately? Usually when I'm fishing I'll try to get a bunch of books together that may be worth reading...
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