Conversation Between Flying Purple People Eater and Hit The North

  1. Hit The North
    Sure, check out Leon Trotsky Internet Archive.

    It's really just the past - at least the analysis of whether the USSR was "really existing socialism" (Stalin's position) or a "degenerated workers state" (Trotsky's position). Strategically there has been a difference in how they organise: popular fronts with bourgeois parties (Stalinist) and united fronts consisting only of worker's organisations (Trotsky).
  2. Flying Purple People Eater
    Hey. Would you be able to point me into the right direction for some of Trotsky's more crucial writings? I've recently become interested in the stances both Trotskyists and Marx-Leninists take on how to bring about revolution and achieve their goal of international communism.

    Also, a quick question if you will: What separates Trotskyists fundamentally from Marx-Leninists (The past aside)?
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