Conversation Between Radical and RED ARMY FACTION

  1. stuck in barca mate i am fucking out of look
  2. hey comrade france is being kind to me next stop will be new york will talk to you when i get back hope the CPGB thing was good
  3. thanks sounds good.
    if i am not abroad i will comrade
  4. I'm going to the celebration of the October Revolution in London with the CPGB-ML on the 7th November. You should come with me.

    It will be easy for you as I know how to get there and it wont be expensive. I get the megabus from Preston(Which also stops at Manchester). It's very cheap, check how much it will cost you. - You wont need much money for the weekend.
  5. I need to keep attending college for University next year. Or else I would
  6. you want to travel through europe, if so give me a shout, you sound like the only comrade worth going with, let me know.
  7. lol i just saw you on redwatch.
  8. Thanks comrade, i appreciate the support
  9. Thats fucking ridiculous. If that is so, then half the Revolutionary leaders of all time should be considered reactionary.

    Hopefully with some resistance and protest, you will be unrestricted. I will do what I can.
  10. they said i was pro life, which is fucking slander.
    I said i agree with abortion but do not agree with it being used on a regular basis as a form of contreceptive and said people should always use condoms to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

    I am pro choice and am against any religeous fundamentalism or other arguements against abortion and the shit being leveled at me is outrageous comrade.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14