Conversation Between The Red Star Rising and Zoroaster

  1. Zoroaster
    I think you might like this philosophy:
  2. Zoroaster
    Ok, makes sense.
  3. The Red Star Rising
    The long and short of my beliefs are: I suppose the tl;dr version would be a combination of utilitarianist, socialist, and selfless individualist/classical libertarian (in the sense that I highly treasure freedom but also the sense that we should also always remain altruistic and help others before ourselves).
  4. Zoroaster
    What kind of left communist are you?
  5. Zoroaster
    Oh, absolutely. You can see this, looking back in history, when capitalism was first being drawn up by Adam Smith (who, although I don't hate the guy, I don't like him either), how the majority of people wanted a more humanitarian system, such as Thomas Jefferson and Gracchus Babëuf. Meanwhile, the heads of the newly formed republics and states, who were already in a good economic position, supported the idea, which is why Holland became one of the first countries to adopt capitalism.

    This is why Marxists call the revolutions during the late 1700's as "bourgeois revolutions", because although they were able to change the government, property relations and labour divisions were kept similar to the previous system.
  6. The Red Star Rising
    I got a distinctly view of what constituted as a great society to Armstrong. And it's kind of easy to support "only the fittest shall survive" when you yourself are capable of punching aircraft carrier sized mecha apart in one solid blow and casually ignore blades that cut like lightsabers. Reflective of how Social Darwinism is almost always supported by those who would be in a position to immediately climb to the top of the pyramid (or at least those who think they are), no?
  7. Zoroaster
    Yeah, I thought that was pretty well done. I also thought it was interesting with the whole "every man fights his own battles" thing, which almost sounds honorable. Then you remember all the nasty things with the kid's brains, and I decided "nah, this guy's nuts".
  8. The Red Star Rising
    I also find Armstrong very interesting. His views are abhorrent, but he has a great deal of Charisma.

    Most of the game you're fighting standard Mercenaryism. A worthy cause to be sure given the PMC's profiteering of the worst of mankind's activities. Or are even just looking to get paid for warring.

    But Armstrong, he at first is just your standard fat cat CEO and Corrupt politician, but when you literally and metaphorically peel away the layer of the Metal Gear Excelsus he reveals his true nature as a foaming at the mouth social darwinist who would make even Ayn Rand blush.

    I think that, though Kojima may not have intended this, this can be seen as showing the brutal, nasty core of social darwinism at the heart of capitalism. Taking the mantra of "the best man dies with the most stuff in his estate, all else is secondary" to it's logical conclusion of "only the best man deserves to live, let the world burn."
  9. Zoroaster
    I like your signature. Metal gear rising was goddamn nuts, especially the dlc with the robot dog.
  10. Zoroaster
    I haven't watched it in a while. I should catch up as well.
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