Conversation Between Chapter 24 and Kassad

  1. I appreciate the link, I'll be checking it out soon.
  2. Kassad
    ANSWER Chicago can be found here:
    You can get into contact with them. They have a multitude of events that are going on soon in Chicago and around Illinois, I'd presume.
  3. Pretty damn good on this end, everyday's another challenge. Any protests in central IL, or pretty much dominated in Chicago? I live in Springfield and any leftist events within my area I'd definitely try and make. School's holding me back though. :/ Keep me updated on any important stuffs.
  4. Kassad
    Pretty good. How's things where you are? There's a ton of protests and events going on between now and mid-October in Illinois. Hope you can make it to some of them.
  5. Hey how's it been man?
  6. Hey you really helped me a lot on my paper about the Dream. If you wouldn't mind, would you go to the original thread on it in the research forum and give me your thoughts? There are a few lines in it that were directly from you or heavily influenced so I want to give you credit where credit is due.
  7. Yes, I do comrade. (insert tired old revleft meme about "sending me to the gulags" here)
    Congratulations on the position!
  8. Kassad
    I move posts, I close threads. Wanna fight about it?
  9. You're now a mod.
    What, you think you're better than me or something?!
  10. Kassad
    I appreciate it. I see you're from Illinois and we have a branch for the Party for Socialism and Liberation and a branch for A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop the War and End Racism) in Chicago. I'm glad you have an interest in them and if you have any questions, send me a message.
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