Conversation Between Red Economist and argeiphontes

  1. argeiphontes
    Sorry about your problems, I used to have big problems with depression and crippling social anxiety, which is why I never graduated from college. Anyway, hopefully we find our place eventually. I don't see a lot of serious discussion here, either, though at times I'm sure I resemble your remarks and am not the best person to discuss things with, but I'm pretty jaded after being "radicalized" back in the 90s.
  2. Thanks. I find the same here. I've asked to be restricted a couple of days ago as one thread kind became a trigger for a mental health issue (I've had problems for six years- which sucks), and I'm surprised I'm still here. officially, I should be offline until 28th October. I am thinking that revleft really just isn't good for me- so I don't know whether I'm coming back or not. it's not the discussions themselves, but that it is very hard to find an open-mind who will consider the possibility they've got it wrong and go for 'give and take' on both sides. That said, I can't get rid of that Marxist itch that there is 'something wrong with the world' but I'm finding it harder to post here. I'm getting more and more unorthodox as I try to figure out what 'went wrong' and what approach we might use this time round and it puts me on collision course with people. it's difficult to know where the path will take me. So if I don't see you around, I'd like to wish you the best comrade.
  3. argeiphontes
    Hey, thanks for friending me, I enjoy your posts. I actually asked to be restricted because I thought I was too far from the "mainstream" on the board and figured I could just say what I want then. The downside is that I don't get to post in Theory or Philosophy.

    I make all sorts of arguments but I still consider myself to be in the Marxi(an/ist) tradition. Once in a while I take a break from the board so if you don't see me for a while, I'm on a sanity vacation
  4. hey Argeiphontes, I don't think we've talked before. How are things? How did you get restricted by the way- you don't seem like a particularly deviant poster on revleft? It's nice to have a Market Socialist around.
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