Conversation Between Mujer Libre and Il Medico

  1. Il Medico
    You are not an admin anymore? Did you do it like Kevis or did something else happen??
  2. Il Medico
    Ah. I guess my warnings to her not insult people were in vain, ah... at least I tried to help.
  3. Mujer Libre
    A sock puppet is a new account created by a banned member to bypass their ban.

    If we're suspicious we can compare people's IP's and compare their posting styles.
  4. Il Medico
    What is a sock puppet? I don't know, I am not a CC member or Admin. I saw you banned a new member, illian. I couldn't see any reason to ban her, besides being extremely insulting. But I don't know what a sock puppet is, so please explain.
  5. Il Medico
    When it went down, I realized I have no life.
  6. Mujer Libre
    Yeah, it was down for a while there. Unfortunately it happens from time to time...
  7. Il Medico
    Hey comrade, was the forum down or something? I couldn't log in for days. It really pissed me off. I figured I'd ask an admin. you guys would know best.
  8. Il Medico
    It is hinted at, but it hasn't been confirmed in the actual show.
  9. Mujer Libre
    Yup, he tells the doctor in Season 4 right? Ooh.
  10. Il Medico
    Have your heard the Captain Jack is the Face of Bo?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13