Conversation Between Dzerzhinsky's Ghost and Tablo

  1. Well, I met my penpal through the website interpals. We have sent mail in the past, but normally we chat online or text using the kakao talk app. It is a great way to practice languages. I don't know if it is technically what one would call penpals since most communication is not through the mail.
  2. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    How do you even get a pen pal? Like, I have friends in various parts of the desert however I know them all personally or is that how it worked? Idk, I always wonder this when people say pen pals.
  3. Yeah, time zones in general piss me off. I have such a hard time figuring out when shows air. It is also annoying not knowing when I can text my penpal since she lives in Korea.
  4. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    Fuck, I'm literally on the coast side of VA, god damn time conversion.
  5. Perhaps. I'm in the central time zone.
  6. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    We both live on the eastcoast I assume it would be the same noon?
  7. hahaha, you mentioned it and I wanted to do it. Should have kept the thought to yourself.
  8. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    You bastard, you beat me to putting the warlock quote in the sig.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8