Conversation Between slum and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
  2. slum
    not sure if you're still around but i hope you are well
  3. slum
    sociopath and psychopath are technical terms as well, they're actually used interchangeably nowadays for people who meet the criteria for "antisocial personality disorder", which is kind of a weird and shitty diagnosis even by DSM standards. put simply sociopathic/psychopathic individuals lack empathy for others. they may or may not behave in ways that are truly socially unacceptable or illegal (hence the "successful psychopath"), but sociopathy itself doesn't imply violence, only a lack of empathic concern for the injured. it's actually a super interesting subject if you're into neurology and shit.

    the argument about whether "crazy" is offensive shows up here occasionally. i don't personally find it bothersome, but some people do. i think it's more helpful to ask people exactly what they mean by it, that way you can suss out if they're talking about actual psychopathology or just Stuff I Don't Like.
  4. Remus Bleys
    13 actually. huh. how about words like sociopath or psychopath? "Crazy"? I mean I never really assumed that it was a serious medical term or anything (figured psychotic might have been but I wasn't sure)
  5. slum
    it has nothing to do with being "evil" or violent, which is why using it to describe Really Bad People we Don't Like (like good old frothing-at-the-mouth Uncle Joe, who as we all know kept a little shrine in his closet full of the teeth of executed kulaks) is considered ableist. the general trend of using psych words to mean "dangerous whacko" obscures the reality of mental illness, namely that people who have one are far more likely to be the recipients of violence. we're also broadly devalued in capitalist society since like all disabled folks we're not ideally exploitable as workers, unless you count the instances when goodwill et al have the great idea to pay us pennies on the hour. socialists should know better, is all i'm saying, but i think the kid in that thread is like 12, so.
  6. slum
    re: "psychotic", since you asked.
    psychosis is a psychological symptom experienced by people with various conditions, anything from extreme "psychotic" depression to schizophrenia. it can involve visual or auditory hallucinations, but is usually defined as "losing touch with reality", including delusional thinking. you can also experience it from taking certain drugs, or even going too long without sleep. most people experiencing psychosis as part of a psychiatric condition are not going to be violent as a result.
  7. Remus Bleys
    I'm glad you agree
  8. slum
    i dont understand any of this but she is cute
  9. Remus Bleys
    I'll send you the full pic on aim but it's cultist chan reimagined as Warhammer fantasy.
  10. slum
    what's goin on in yr avatar?
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