Conversation Between RadioRaheem84 and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    The only full-on US-backed color revolution that I've seen is the one in Iran, which I explained here:


  2. The Vegan Marxist
    Here you go comrade. I will say that the indirect outline of the article - where they denounce Stalin's ruling as bureaucratic - I will initially disagree with. Though, the initial outline of the article - the denouncing of the "State-Capitalist" theory - is one that I feel is greatly needing to be read, & in my opinion shows what great things Trotsky did bring about to the struggle, despite his vast failures:
  3. The Vegan Marxist
    Hey Comrade. Just so you know, I'm leaving for a couple months, as in where I live & everything, to try & get away from all the bullshit going on over here. But, after those couple months, I'll be back & ready to post again. So just letting you know that I'll be gone for a while.

    Red Love & Salutes!
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    Hey comrade, if you didn't know, I write books which represent revolutionary poetry & essays that represent our beliefs. But I'm stepping up some things for the next book being made, which should be published in a few months. And what I'm hoping is to spread messages at the end by several comrades that I know, ranging from Myspace to those that I know very well on RevLeft, & those that live around me. What the messages should pertain is small tips to the readers in what they should do to gain more political awareness &/or what to do to spread our message or what to do in their personal life, or maybe just a message on life, itself, & what to do to fight against the struggle. I'll be giving them names, like "by Comrade (name)". It can be small, or somewhat big if that's what it takes. Let me know if you'd like to contribute.

    Red Love & Salutes!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4