Conversation Between Black Dagger and yuon

  1. Internet is serious business.
  2. Space Hijackers.
    I think I may have mentioned "real life trolling".

    Tastes like Vegemite.
  3. I see you baby, shaking your arse.
  4. Heh, her avatar looks hand-drawn, I can see the similarities though.

    Politics look similar too for that matter, I like anarchists .
  5. Well, I went to the Anarchism page on Wikipedia, and then I filled in the green bit, and the A. Except that the fill for the A didn't work properly, so I had to touch it slightly (hence the little bit of a mess).
  6. Anarchy and freedom is wat I want.
  7. Thanks, it was that lovely blue question mark for ages. I wonder what happened to that?

    Anyway, I'll upload a new avatar as soon as I finish typing this. I'm sure you'll like it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7