Conversation Between DeBon and Nuvem

  1. Nuvem
    "Because post count effects knowledge, facts, and understanding of a subject.

    It's someone venting anger about a paranoid murderer, who's been dead for a long time, he was a failed leader, of a failed state. people are so willing to argue about a dead leader of a failed state like it's preventing forward progress."

    Because I definitely said that. My implication was that he clearly lurks the forum rarely if ever posting and then comes out and gives us THIS?

    Your comment on Stalin I'm not even going to debate for the reason you state immediately after. What did I even mention about Stalin? One of the lines of the WWP is to put the Stalin-Trotsky debate to rest and move on since it no longer has relevance to the working class movement. I didn't say a word about him.

    As for the failed state bit- do some research on the conditions in the former SSRs today and contrast them to when they were SSRs.
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