Conversation Between No pasarán and praxis1966

  1. praxis1966
    Aw man, I really didn't want you to think I was either, hence the repetitive disclaimers. Anyway, I do have my grievances with SF. The truth of the matter is that I don't really see any good Republican socialist organizations there ATM. Like I told LeninBalls, though, I'd be happy to hear about any of them you think are worthwhile.
  2. No pasarán
    I ain't being hostile at all, but I do think you have to look into why so many socialist republicans don't trust SF. I could give write a fuckin essay on it, but I think your smart enough to come to your own conclusions- maybe you already have, I ain't trying to patronise you.
  3. praxis1966
    Don't get me wrong because I'm not trying to be hostile, but frankly, I really don't feel like I should have to justify anything to anybody because it's nobody's business but mine. Anyway, this conversation explains my feelings in brief, but if you really want the truth, the hardcore punk rocker in me keeps the avatar as a way of giving the middle finger to people who think I should change it. Anyhow, I promise I'm not trying to be hostile, it's just the way I feel. It's not like it matters, anyway, since I live in the States. I do what I can for the cause, though, like giving money to the INA.
  4. No pasarán
    Just wonderin why you have a SF logo as your avatar, you know they are full of shite right? But otherwise I've no problem with you mo chara.
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