Conversation Between Vladimir Innit Lenin and The Feral Underclass

  1. When did you turn 30? Can almost call yourself a senior revolutionary/moaner now!
  2. I will take your advice and reflect on my combativeness.
  3. well, i've resigned now so no pressure on me from anyone.

    And, whilst I am sorry about reacting in that way to you, and recognise I do have shortcomings in my politics, particularly in relation to LGBT politics, I do also think you should take time to reflect on your attitude, as well. I don't particularly mean on this occasion as, as i've already said, I was in the wrong, but generally I feel you sometimes revel in being consciously obtuse and, to be honest, it's just unhelpful.

    I wouldn't care if you were some asshole and a shit poster, but your theoretical knowledge is incredible and when you do post seriously, I always take the time to read your posts as they're particularly interesting and helpful. I just find it a shame that you seem to seek confrontation on a fairly regular basis, because it inevitably leads to drama, falling out and hurt, and just really detracts from the whole experience of interacting with you.
  4. What do you mean? The thread in CU in which the CoR called you out as well as Sam_b.
  5. How would you know if the admin team were putting me under any pressure?
  6. To be frank with you, I'm not convinced that your apology is particularly based on how you have interacted with me when you consider the pressure you are now under from the admin team and your colleagues. Had you not been called out on it by the BA, would you be apologising to me? I highly doubt it.

    Nevertheless, on the possibility of you being genuine, I can accept your apology. I hope that you are genuine and that you really do mean that you want to learn from this interaction.

    Just some advice: Please understand that your privileged position doesn't mean that you are an enemy, it just means that you have to be more sensitive to the way you interact with people and the attitudes you choose to adopt.
  7. I'm sorry, okay. I lost my cool, i've had a particularly testing week and, as you know, we tend to rub each other up the wrong way around the forum and yeah, I just lost my temper and said shit that I shouldn't have done.

    I'm far from perfect, and yeah as a straight, white kid I probably don't have the most nuanced understanding of queer theory and the like.

    So can we just move forward from this? We don't have to kiss and make up, but i'm always eager to learn from my mistakes and i'm sorry for just losing my temper in this situation and saying shit I shouldn't have. I am normally a calm guy and have a lot of empathy, I guess I just lost sight of that for a couple of posts in that thread, y'know?
  8. 3/3

    ...If you're straight, white and a man, then you have lived a life of privilege when you compare that to people who are not white, not men and not straight. That will be difficult for you to understand, since you have no idea what the alternative is like. You don't have to deal with homophobia, sexism and racism. You don't have to ever know what that does to you as a person, what it is like to deal with that on a constant daily basis -- it is a relentless, overbearing onslaught of shit that has to be endured in every walk of life on every single day. Do you know what that feels like?

    And you know what? If you do know. If you aren't white or straight or male, then you should know better than to belittle and threaten a person who has suffered discrimination and prejudice their entire life expressing a frustration that we both must share, or at the very least effects us in similar ways.

    My money is on you being straight and white and a man. You certainly act like one.
  9. 2/3

    "I'm sorry if i've perhaps lost my cool in that sexism thread, but seriously, please don't assume i'm your stereotypical middle class white well educated male who hasn't experienced at least some of the stuff you have. Please."

    People who are sorry just say they are sorry, they don't try and justify themselves. They certainly don't apologise for something they might have done. You either did lose your cool or you didn't. Apologising for the possibility of an interpretation isn't really an apology at all. So I'm sorry to say, but I don't believe that your remorseful. In fact I don't believe that you think you've done anything wrong.

    But it is also clear to me that you have no idea what the word "privilege" means when it is used in the context of social oppression. And if you do, then I am confused why you're bringing your class and education into this, since my comments have nothing to do with class or education...
  10. 1/3

    "TAT, I am not OK with you assuming that i've lived a life of privilege and never encountered even the slightest negative personal issues from issues and discrimination relating to LGBT stuff."

    First of all, your interactions with me; your attitude towards me has given me absolutely no reason to care in any way about what you are and are not okay with. It is the least of my concern.

    Secondly, I assumed absolutely nothing about you until right after you threatened to infract me for expressing a frustration that is, in mine and other people's view, perfectly legitimate.
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