Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and BIXX

  1. BIXX
    IMO that infraction was bullshit. I mean, we have people posting all sorts of shit (a certain mod comes to mind) but OH LOOK SOMEONE IS INSULTING ANOTHER TEMDENCY QUICK INFRACT THEM IN THE NAME OF LEFT UNITY.

    But then we have Marxists with their backhanded bs that get nothing.
  2. Trust you to thank my infracted post
  3. BIXX
    For real. I mean, shit, I'm not even gonna bother with this shit if that's my future.
  4. Visions of the future from socialists are horrifying.
  5. BIXX
    Agreed. I don't mind disagreement (in fact, I like it if it leads to me changing my views) but they don't wanna discuss it at all. But that's OK. I really don't expect anything good from revleft anymore.
  6. It really pisses me off the way people lazily accuse you of having your politics just because you're trying to be "edgy." It's just a patronising way of evading real debate on issues people find uncomfortable. I'm not sure I totally agree with everything you say, but I think you are fundamentally right in making the criticisms of the left and its orthodoxies in the way you do. Haters gonna hate.
  7. She is so boring.
  8. BIXX
    This time I leave for real guys I promise
  9. BIXX
    The phones do not work- there is no one to call.
  10. We have all run out of things to say.
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