Conversation Between ComradeOm and Tommy4ever

  1. Tommy4ever
    Are you really planning to leave the forum?
  2. ComradeOm
    Something about the world conquering mentality, no doubt. You are correct about the right-wingers though, one reason why I'm banned from OT!
  3. Tommy4ever
    Indeed I am.

    I'm quite suprised at the number of Paradoxians I've seen here. I found out about this site from someone on Paradox and have already met a few others from that site.

    I always though Pdox was filled with right-wingers.
  4. ComradeOm
    Yep. You'd be surprised at the amount of crossovers between the two. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're the same Tommy4ever from Paradox
  5. Tommy4ever
    Are you the same ComradeOm from the paradox forum?
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