Conversation Between Kiev Communard and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    It's been awhile since you were here. How are things?
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    I don't agree with them on "communist economy matters" much.
  3. Kiev Communard
    Yes, it seems that the WSM, despite its basically correct position on communist economy matters, is hopelessly reformist and parliamentarist in the field of practical policies.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    What can I say, comrade? That's World Socialist Movement parliamentary cretinism in action (re. the PRG).
  5. Kiev Communard
    Sure, I will try to find Lidtke's in Questia databse.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    You just keep posting all that Questia stuff, comrade! Hey, maybe you can actually post direct pages, paragraphs, etc. from Vernon Lidtke's Alternative Culture!
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    "So, despite their official Stalinism, there is something interesting to them - unlike the KKE's stale orthodoxy."

    Sometimes myths are too strong to break in the short term. Combining "official Stalinism" (like noting Stalin's logistical knack in the Great Patriotic War, denouncing Khrushchev's hare-brained sovnarkhozy and industrial-agricultural party bifurcation schemes, etc.) with more revolutionary praxis and educative sessions denouncing "Marxism-Leninism" (such as sovkhozization vs. Stalin's kolkhozization mistake, or Popular Front idiocy) might be the way to go in today's Russia. That's why I referred to, for example, upholding Stalin's group's expulsion of Trotsky from the party when the latter and his supporters organized their anti-"unity-in-action" stunt.

    It's exactly like Lassalle and German Social Democracy from the tail end of the Anti-Socialist Laws until about a decade or so later.
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    What I was referring to in my jab at Labourism:
  9. Kiev Communard
    Currently I am too preoccupied with my work issues. Maybe in two or three days I will be able to respond.
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    Not that one. The Fully Socialized Labour Market one, though the Minsky-Polanyi material is related too.
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