Conversation Between Ace High and A Revolutionary Tool

  1. Ace High
    But yeah I know right, I just thought it was funny that people got offended for me criticizing Kanye because celebrity worship is not very typical for people on this forum. It's sort of like all of a sudden they reverted back to some kind of pop culture brainwash. But yeah, I just thought it was funny lol.
  2. Ace High
    My god, hahaha now THAT is crazy. I suppose anything with the name Gandalf given to it is going to be bad ass. 2.6 grams in a bowl, jesus. That's such a good idea though, bring it to a party and be like "anybody can use it just smoke me out". Hahaha, genius xD
  3. A Revolutionary Tool
    But that's just Sam B, everybody gets into a fight with him sooner or later, I got into a little feud like that with him when I first got here too. There's a few posters here that are like that about their music though. I said I don't like Lil' B or The Pack(for more personal reasons then not liking the music) and two users(whom I actually like) were all over me for it like I had personally attacked them lol.
  4. A Revolutionary Tool
    Exactly and people already think I'm on something else because I'm up all night since I work graveyard shifts. People wake up at 8 in the morning and I'm not even tired, no sleep, they start asking if I'm on meth since its huge where I live lol, meth lab literally blew up around the corner from my house a month ago. Why LA though, what school in LA? Northern Cali is just so much better! I have a gandalf pipe, wouldn't smoke it inside the store though, I was talking about the vape lol, the gandalf would be crazy in a store. Sometimes that Gandalf pipe can hit better than a bong and the bowl is huge. First day I got it I went to a party and the owner of the house wanted to fill it up and pass it around, he put 2.6 grams in one bowl 0_o. Whenever I go to a party I bring it because people will want to smoke there shit out of it so much and I have one condition: I have to be able to smoke with you lol, it's awesome.
  5. Ace High
    Yeah hahaha it looks like you're hitting the crack pipe or something xD But ahhh ok, so you're in Cali huh. I'm actually trying to possibly move to LA with a friend in about a year. Everyone says they are moving to LA haha, but we want to because there's this school we wanna go to.

    But holy shit, a Gandalf pipe?? Wow, now that sounds insane. In the aisles???? Now I have smoked in questionable places, but never the aisles of a store. Props for that, lol.

    Oh and on a side note, look at the thread called "Kanye yay or nay". Hahahaha this *****, I forgot his name, he was like attacking me for simply criticizing Kanye West, as if it deeply affected him on a personal level, lol. I'm like "wait what dude." xD
  6. A Revolutionary Tool
    Yeah that shit is crazy. Kind of hard to do in public though in my car and I'm not trying to look like I'm doing meth or something lol, it just looks crazy. Yeah I don't know how to make all the different kinds of hash but it goes pretty far with that dab piece and it seems readily available here in Cali. Lucky enough last time I quit my job my friend had just harvested and he had trash bags full of weed so he didn't give a fuck about smoking me out haha, I'm surprised I took the time to find another job.

    I've been having the exact same thoughts about a vape though, definitely will be my next piece. Bongs are cool, I also have this Gandalf pipe that's probably one and a half feet, but you can't really do it very sneakily you know. My coworker used to have a vape, we'd smoke it outside the front doors of the store we work at, sometimes even in the aisles at work when we felt like we had big enough balls, those things are too cool.
  7. Ace High
    Oh yeah, like you heat the fuck out of that weird metal piece thing until it literally turns red hot. Or that's what my friend did at least. Yeah I never thought about that though, I recently quit my job so I don't have much money anymore, so that would be a good option lol. I can't make the shit myself though, I didn't pay much attention in chemistry class.

    Bongs are awesome, but it would be nice to have a vape when I get my next piece. I suppose one can dream right?
  8. A Revolutionary Tool
    Yeah that hash that looks like some playdough type shit. Got a piece that fits on my bong to smoke it. It looks horrible though, heating up the nail, it looks like you're doing some crazy hardcore drug when it's just weed. Gets us crazy fucked up though, I'm good off one or two hits. When you're smoking that, $20 actually goes a far way, not just one smoke session with a friend lol and were getting higher than fuck. Like its not even necessary to get that stupid high.

    I hella lucked out on my bong, cousin broke my original shitty little bong so we went half on that awesome bong lol, something good actually came from it.
  9. Ace High
    Yeah for real, this guy who sold to me a while back tried to like sit me down and give me a rolling lesson and I was just like look man, I gotta go. Hahaha.

    But yeah! You mean dabbed as in that wax shit? Like the stuff that looks like honey? I actually had a dab the other day for the first time in a while. And see I need to get a cool bong like that, it's just whenever I have enough money for one I'm like, nah I'll get some weed instead lol. And the cycle continues.
  10. A Revolutionary Tool
    I really need to learn how to roll, it seems like a must to be a stoner. But whenever I start to get taught we give up, we're usually too lit to care at that point lol. I just can't roll anything, I used to get yelled at everyday at work for not rolling the breakfast burritos correctly, I suck at it. I love my bong, it's pretty dope. Almost a foot, real thick glass, has a blue design, and it has this stuff that wraps around the bong that glows in the dark if you smoke out of it lol, I like to call it my light saber. Perfect thing to smoke Skywalker weed in haha.

    But yeah totally smoked last night, was just laying in my room listening to music, thought there was no reason I shouldn't be high right now while listening to some Nas and Dre. Have you ever dabbed hash on a nail before?
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