Conversation Between Kwisatz Haderach and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Kwisatz Haderach
    Oh, I see. I did not read your most recent blog. I'm skeptical about selection by lot, but I will go read it first before I comment.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    That wasn't the point of my most recent blog. Cockshott and I argue for selections by lot instead of elections (of personnel). Demarchy is statistically representative democracy. Voting is different from electing.
  3. Kwisatz Haderach
    Well, granted that we require some kind of public officials with powers to make important decisions (which I believe we will still need for some time after the revolution), they need to be elected. We cannot move to direct democracy immediately after the revolution, and having officials appointed by any means other than elections leaves the system too open to nepotism and various other kinds of corruption.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    After reading Cockshott and myself, why do still advocate elections, if I may ask?
  5. Kwisatz Haderach
    Thank you - it's good to be back. Last semester at Uni was a lot busier than I expected, but it ended well. I did a project on the economic calculation debate.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Long time no see, comrade! How has your uni been?
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Stupid board "upgrade" (you've got an "invite")
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