Conversation Between ComradeMan and Kitty_Paine

  1. Kitty_Paine
    You may regret offering that in the near future
  2. ComradeMan
    Yeah sure, it's been a while but if you have a specific problem pm and I'll see if I can help... or I'll ask my smarter cousin!!!
  3. Kitty_Paine
    lol Yes, very grim indeed. Specifically, variation, distribution and hypothesis testing... if that means anything to you.
  4. ComradeMan
    Statistics.... how grim...! What are you studying in particular? Testing and assessment.... ?
  5. Kitty_Paine
    It's a lot of statistics - t-scores, z-scores, probability, etc. How long has it been since you've done any of that?
  6. ComradeMan
    I can help you a little with maths... what's causing you a problem?
  7. Kitty_Paine
    It's not, but it's the only word that accurately describes how it makes me feel... I've never been a fan of math, no matter how simple.
  8. ComradeMan
    That's not such a nice metaphor... but sure.. if you're busy IRL....
  9. Kitty_Paine
    I fully agree... but presently I'm being raped by my statistics homework. Maybe after it's done?
  10. ComradeMan
    Carpe diem.... no time like the present.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18