Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. ive been meaning to ask you for a while, how old are you anyway?
  2. Chambered Word
    Lmao, weird.
  3. You call that a duck? This is a duck:

    No, not really. That shit's terrible.
  4. Chambered Word
    You mean this: ?

    That's a real duck man.
  5. The first one is some weird ass duck-pigeon crossbreed lol. We see ducks occasionally at my school, they're all white and i really wanna catch one one day...
  6. Chambered Word
  7. I really want a pet duck... ya know? Just to hear it quack... and the feathers...oh man the warm fluffy feathers ^.^
  8. Chambered Word
    Nah man, ducks really are cool.
  9. Well you should. I'm so damn awesome that I stole them off Google Images ^^
  10. Lol, everyones just saying they love ducks to be cool >.<
Showing Visitor Messages 371 to 380 of 394