Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    I'm not sure whether I like direct or representative democracy better. The pre-Stalin USSR had a representative system.
  2. I don't get this. Are you advocating centralised government and power and wealth inevitably consolidated into it's hands that comes with it?
  3. Chambered Word
    That's pretty much why we need to be able to nominate our own politicians as well.
  4. Yeah I was just reading that today. Their idea is that heads of state and members of a "congress" of sorts will be recalllable at any time, not that it will matter if ALL their politicians keep fucking up, as politicians generally do
  5. Chambered Word
    Don't know about Marxist-Leninists, they seem to prefer the party members as the holders of power.
  6. Mm, I ditched Council Trotskyism after the group was deleted and I realised that direct democracy through workers' councils is what ALL Marxist tendencies advocate in theory.
  7. I'm catching up in the page views war... ^.^
  8. Well now my ideology is win. Council Communism meets Trotskyism.
  9. They haven't changed as such. They just got more defined; I became more certain of my views. My views being a decentralised democratically planned economy, direct democracy, no executive power for the vanguard, etc.
  10. Chambered Word
    How have your views changed then?
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