Conversation Between Gustav HK and Nox

  1. It got deleted. It was supposed to be a parody of ultra-leftism :3
  2. Gustav HK
    Where did your ultrastalinist group go?
  3. Gustav HK
    Cool group :{D
  4. I am not involved in any organisations, I may join the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) in the future though. As far as I know, Hoxhaists are basically Marxist-Leninists who support the views of Enver Hoxha, which most Marxist-Leninists do.
  5. Gustav HK
    Hello comrade. How is the "hoxhaist" movement in UK? It seems a bit sectarianized, with both the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) and the Communist League of Great Britain (and maybe some more). Are they all Bill Blandist?
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